Beaufort Watershed Restoration Plan
The Beaufort Stormwater Advisory Committee collaborated with the Coastal Federation, UNC Wilmington and Eastern Carolina Council to develop a watershed restoration plan to steer stormwater reduction efforts and lead implementation strategies to reduce polluted runoff and flooding in the town.
Pine Knoll Shores Watershed Plan
The North Carolina Coastal Federation teamed up with the Town of Pine Knoll Shores, University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Environmental Science Department and East Carolina Council (ECC) to create a watershed restoration plan for the small coastal community in Carteret County. The Plan sets a framework and strategy for targeting stormwater reduction techniques to reduce runoff and improve water quality. The primary goal of this plan is to improve water quality in Pine Knoll Shores and reduce permanent shellfish closures in Bogue Sound.
Morris Landing Living Shoreline
Living Shorelines are innovative techniques that protect soundside shorelines from erosion, while simultaneously preserving natural ecosystems. During the Virtual Open House, local professionals and contractors were on hand to share information and answer questions on how you can build a living shoreline on your property.
The Federation's Living Shoreline Cost-Share Program for Public and Private Property Owners
The North Carolina Coastal Federation has acquired grant funding to help homeowners build living shorelines.
Stormwater rain garden
This stormwater activity sheet is quick and simple way to engage your child or student in the world of stormwater runoff and pollution. Through three colorful interactive mazes this resource illustrates the movement of stormwater and the ways in which rain gardens can reduce pollution in our waterways.
Wolly Goldenaster Photo © Alistar Glen
| Guidebooks
Low-impact development (LID) is an economical and effective strategy for protecting and restoring coastal water quality by preventing polluting stormwater runoff. We at the federation work to make it easy to use anywhere.
Action Plan for Nature-based Stormwater Strategies
Strategic and innovative nature-based stormwater strategies are increasingly important as North Carolina faces the need to plan for climate adaption and resiliency. The Action Plan now positions North Carolina to better prepare for, and respond to, future stormwater flooding and water quality degradation.
What are Nature-based Stormwater Strategies?
| Fact Sheets
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies are effective and economical approaches to reduce flooding and improve water quality.
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies for Roadways
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies are an effective and economical strategy to reduce flooding and improve water quality by mimicking natural water flow to vegetated stormwater infiltration spaces, reducing long-term maintenance costs of conventional stormwater systems.
New Development
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies such as permeable pavement, cisterns and rain gardens promote infiltration and rainwater reuse. These techniques reduce stormwater runoff even on high density development sites.
Stormwater Retrofits - retrofitted
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies are an effective and economical strategy to reduce flooding and improve water quality by disconnecting impervious surfaces and promoting infiltration on site.
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies for Working Lands
Replicating and restoring natural hydrology on farm and forest lands is an effective large scale solution to flooding and water quality.
State of the Oyster Report 2018
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2018.
Coastal Resilience Summit 2019 Presentations
The North Carolina Coastal Federation and North Carolina Division of Coastal Management hosted the Coastal Resilience Summit to solicit ideas and potential strategies for inclusion in the North Carolina Resiliency Plan.
PFAST Forum 2019 Presentations
The North Carolina Coastal Federation, PFAST Network and UNC–Wilmington hosted Emerging Contaminants in the Cape Fear Region: University Collaborations on Environmental, Drinking Water Supply and Human Health Effects on Friday, May 31 in Wilmington.
Welcome and Background Tom Looney, N.C. Economic Development Partnership Rural Economic Development Mary Penny Kelly, Office of the Governor Recipe
Cover of the Strategic plan for Shellfish Mariculture
| Guidebooks
The Shellfish Mariculture Plan includes an evaluation of best practices in other states and nations, analysis of siting strategies for shellfish mariculture operations and recommendations for improvements to legal protections for mariculture operations, cultch planting and strategies for control of shellfish pests
The federation collects marine debris in Brunswick County
This assessment describes the problem and management of marine debris in North Carolina, including primary types of concern and associated impacts; gaps and challenges in debris management; and a summary of active stakeholders and their perceptions of and contribution to addressing marine debris. The intention of the assessment is to establish the groundwork for developing a strategy that will be implemented through the coordinated work of coastal marine debris stakeholders.
| Guidebooks
The Watershed Management Planning Guidebook provides detailed guidance on how a community can replicate natural surface water hydrology to improve water quality by determining the stormwater runoff volume of a watershed in various land use scenarios and utilizing Best Management Practices (BMPs) techniques, specifically Low Impact Development (LID), to reduce the total volume of runoff.
Learn more about microplastics, including what they are, where they come from and the effects they have on the marine environment, water quality and human health.
| Fact Sheets
Learn more about microplastics and their impacts on the environment.
The Napa Valley of Oysters: Launching a North Carolina Shellfish Initiative
With millions of acres of coastal waters, North Carolina recognizes the importance of shellfish to its economy, cultural heritage and environmental health. The state is on its way to becoming the Napa Valley of Oysters.
North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan
The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan includes several tangible steps that need to be taken over the next five years to both prevent and remove marine debris along the coast. The plan was developed by the North Carolina Coastal Federation, N.C. Coastal Reserve, N.C. Division of Coastal Management, N.C. Sea Grant, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, Coastal Carolina Riverwatch, and the N.C. Marine Debris Symposium.
Prevention of Marine Debris from Shellfish Mariculture Fact Sheet
| Fact Sheets
The North Carolina Coastal Federation worked with partners and shellfish growers to produce voluntary best management practices for the prevention of marine debris from shellfish leases.
Shellfish Mariculture Best Management Practices
The Federation partnered with industry experts from NOAA, North Carolina Sea Grant, and commercial shellfish operations to develop best management practices (BMPs) for the prevention of marine debris from the shellfish mariculture industry. These BMPs provide a guide for new growers and lease applicants to follow to make their best effort in keeping gear on the farm during normal operations as well as in preparation for a storm.
Cape Fear River
The Lower Cape Fear River Blueprint is a collaborative planning effort, led by the North Carolina Coastal Federation, to protect, manage and restore the important estuarine and riverine natural resources of the lower Cape Fear River.
Lockwood Folly River Restoration Plan
In 2006, partners began to talk about the decline in the quality of local shellfishing waters, mainly due to stormwater pollution. The Coastal Federation teamed up with Brunswick County, state agencies, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to prepare a study and restoration plan for the river. The plan targets simple solutions to infiltrate rain and reduce polluted runoff.
Saving Great Places cover
Glenn Blackburn, professor emeritus of history at University of Virginia’s College at Wise, has completed a history of the North Carolina Coastal Federation based upon hundreds of interviews he conducted with people who have been key players in shaping our coast.