This edition of the Coastal Federation's Our Coast publication welcomes our new Executive Director, Dr. Braxton Davis as well as introduces the Federation's new Salt Marsh Program. This edition also covers the goals of the 3 other main program areas including water quality, oysters, and marine debris.

To ensure a healthy future for these critical marsh systems, the Coastal Federation is leading a partnership to develop the North Carolina Salt Marsh Action Plan that details a five-year strategy to protect, restore, and allow for the migration of salt marshes in coastal North Carolina so that their existing ecological, economic, and cultural functions are not degraded or lost.

Many coastal property owners have a hurricane plan for their family and home, but yards, docks, boats, and construction sites are often forgotten or overlooked. Unsecured boats, water toys, yard furniture, and construction equipment can be damaged - or even blown or washed away - during hurricane events. When unsecured objects enter our waterways, they become marine debris - which pollutes the water and harms marine life.

Coordinated by the North Carolina Coastal Federation, the two-day event brought together educators, elected officials, local, state, and federal representatives, environmental groups, and others invested in the health of the state’s oysters. Attendees heard panel discussions, and presentations on past and planned work, watched an oyster shucking contest, and enjoyed oysters from farmers along the coast.