Gain valuable insights into the ecological significance and importance of the unique and productive coastal ecosystems found at oyster farms.
Our Coast Fall 2024
| Our Coast
This edition of the North Carolina Coastal Federation's Our Coast includes updates on water shed restoration plans, highlights from ongoing
North Carolina Oyster Sanctuaries Growing Coastal Communities 2013–2023
Recently, the Coastal Federation contracted with RTI International to do an independent assessment of the state’s investment in the sanctuary program and its impact on the NC coast. Read the full report.
Economic Impacts of Oyster Sanctuaries: Key Insights (2013–2023)
Recently, the Coastal Federation contracted with RTI International to do an independent assessment of the state’s investment in the sanctuary program and its impact on the NC coast.
State of the Oyster Report 2023
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2023.
Recycle for Reefs Activity Booklet
The North Carolina Coastal Federation's Recycle for Reefs Activity Booklet is the perfect way to get your children or classroom
Our Coast Summer 2024
| Our Coast
This edition of the Coastal Federation’s Our Coast publication highlights the winner's of our 2024 Pelican Awards. The annual Pelican
North Carolina has one of the largest and most productive estuarine systems in the United States. Persistent and emerging threats
Our Coast Spring 2024
| Our Coast
This edition of the Coastal Federation's Our Coast publication covers several exciting new updates on the 4 main program areas including salt marsh, water quality, oysters, and marine debris.
The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan provides a strategic framework for prevention and removal of marine debris along the North Carolina coast. In 2023, it inspired strategic coordination and direction for the organizations and communities that address marine debris
Trained Living Shoreline Contractors and Engineers in Your Region
This handout includes our list of contractors and engineers who have been trained to install living shorelines in your region.
The cover of the North Carolina Coastal Federation's Winter 2024 Our Coast Edition
| Our Coast
This edition of the Coastal Federation's Our Coast publication welcomes our new Executive Director, Dr. Braxton Davis as well as introduces the Federation's new Salt Marsh Program. This edition also covers the goals of the 3 other main program areas including water quality, oysters, and marine debris.
The cover of the North Carolina Coastal Federation's Fall 2023 Our Coast Edition
| Our Coast
This edition of the Coastal Federation's Our Coast publication covers the Federation's efforts across all program areas. It also looks forward to 2024 and what the upcoming year holds for the NC Coast.
South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative
To ensure a healthy future for these critical marsh systems, the Coastal Federation is leading a partnership to develop the North Carolina Salt Marsh Action Plan that details a five-year strategy to protect, restore, and allow for the migration of salt marshes in coastal North Carolina so that their existing ecological, economic, and cultural functions are not degraded or lost. 
oyster recycling
| Maps
Shell recycling drop-off sites are located at the Coastal Federation’s three regional offices and in the following counties: Brunswick, Carteret, Craven, Dare, New Hanover, Onslow, Orange, Pamlico, and Pender. Explore the map below to find a shell recycling site near you.
living shoreline projects
| Maps
The North Carolina Coastal Federation has developed a working map of sites along the North Carolina coast where living shorelines have been built. This map features descriptions, photos, funding agencies and more.
Oyster Shell Recycling Toolkit
This toolkit includes FAQs about oyster shell recycling, fun facts, signage, social media posts, photos and videos.
State of the Oyster Report 2022
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2022.
Oyster Sanctuaries 2022
| Maps
View a map of the current NC Oyster Sanctuary Network
LID Project Map
| Maps
This map features sites along the North Carolina coast where stormwater projects have been completed and includes descriptions, photos, funding agencies and more.
large scale restoration
| Maps
View a map of all of our Large Scale Watershed Restoration Projects
oyster restoration project map cover image
| Maps
The North Carolina Coastal Federation has developed a working map of sites along the North Carolina coast where oyster restoration projects have been built. This map features descriptions, photos, funding agencies and more.
Our Coast Summer 2023
| Our Coast
This edition of the Coastal Federation’s Our Coast publication covers the Federation’s 2023 Pelican Awards Ceremony. There are winners from the central, southeast, and northeast regions of the coast as well as coastwide and lifetime achievement winners.
Learn about the physical processes that create rip currents, the correlation between coastal structures and rip current formation, the interactions between coastal structures and other coastal features, and safe development practices to reduce risks to human safety.
Learn more about the environmental impacts of terminal groins.
The federation collects marine debris in Brunswick County
| Guidebooks
Many coastal property owners have a hurricane plan for their family and home, but yards, docks, boats, and construction sites are often forgotten or overlooked. Unsecured boats, water toys, yard furniture, and construction equipment can be damaged - or even blown or washed away - during hurricane events. When unsecured objects enter our waterways, they become marine debris - which pollutes the water and harms marine life.
NOAA Officials present North Carolina Coastal Federation with a ceremonial check for grant funding
Coordinated by the North Carolina Coastal Federation, the two-day event brought together educators, elected officials, local, state, and federal representatives, environmental groups, and others invested in the health of the state’s oysters. Attendees heard panel discussions, and presentations on past and planned work, watched an oyster shucking contest, and enjoyed oysters from farmers along the coast. 
living shoreline at new Center
The North Carolina Living Shoreline Steering Committee brings together federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and universities to communicate and collaborate on education and outreach, research, and implementation of living shorelines.
Smart Yards 2023
| Guidebooks
This guide includes simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Smart Yard projects to reduce stormwater and improve the health of our coastal waters.
The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan provides a strategic framework for prevention and removal of marine debris along the North Carolina coast. In 2022, it inspired strategic coordination, focus and direction for the organizations and communities that address marine debris on many levels.