The North Carolina Coastal Federation teamed up with the Town of Pine Knoll Shores, University of North Carolina Wilmington’s Environmental Science Department and East Carolina Council (ECC) to create a watershed restoration plan for the small coastal community in Carteret County. The Plan sets a framework and strategy for targeting stormwater reduction techniques to reduce runoff and improve water quality.
The primary goal of this plan is to improve water quality in Pine Knoll Shores and reduce permanent shellfish closures in Bogue Sound.
Stormwater runoff is the primary cause of water quality impairment that results in waters not meeting shellfishing standards. Instead of soaking into the ground and being taken up by vegetation, a much larger amount of rain now quickly runs over the urban landscape and into the town’s surface waters.
“The Town of Pine Knoll Shores was excited to be partner with these organizations to develop a stormwater reduction plan,” said Sarah Williams, Pine Knoll Shores town clerk. “As a coastal town, we recognize the importance of our clean waterways and are now busy partnering to implement the plan to make real progress in reducing runoff. “
The plan was completed in early 2019.

Recent Projects
Pine Knoll Shores Neighborhood Retrofit – 2022
The Federation partnered with the Town of Pine Knoll Shores, Coastal Stormwater Services, Inc., and M&W Land Improvement Inc. to install permeable pavers at a cul-de-sac on Acorn Court, a street with chronic flooding in the town. The new pavers will help soak in almost 100,000 gallons of rain for every 3.4 inches that fall to reduce polluted runoff and flooding. This project was made possible with funding from the N.C. Attorney General’s Environmental Enhancement Grant Program.

Innovative Stormwater Project – 2021
The Town of Pine Knoll Sores worked with the Coastal Federation to complete a multi-faceted, innovative project to manage groundwater and stormwater in the Town to greatly reduce nuisance flooding and restore water quality. The N.C. Land and Water Fund supported project included the installation of a series of perforated pipes and pumps that allow the town to move groundwater from the targeted residential area to the Crystal Coast County Club golf course pond where it is stored. Drawing down the groundwater in the often flooded neighborhood increases the infiltration capacity of rain on site.