Your investment in coastal conservation helps us maintain our momentum towards a healthy coast for today and for generations to come.

Since 1982 the Federation has been instrumental in protecting and preserving the beautiful coast of North Carolina. Through education, partnership, and real-world results, the work of the Federation supports healthy coastal habitats and clean water quality for fishing, swimming and a vibrant coastal economy. We are proud of what we have accomplished with the support of our members and partners — such as restoring thousands of acres of wetlands and oyster habitat and working with thousands of students and adults each year to protect special places through volunteer opportunities, workshops, and education programs.
As a Business Member, you will enjoy our many benefits tailored specifically for businesses. We have grown from a handful of supporters in 1982 to one of the most effective conservation groups in the state. Thousands of members — community partners just like you — make our work possible. Thank you for joining us in making a difference.
Thank you to our current Business Supporters!
Business Members at varying levels enjoy promotion through the Federation’s outstanding promotional channels:
readers of our monthly enewsletter & Our Coast Publication
visitors to the Federation website
social media followers
annual readers of Coastal Review
Membership Levels & Benefits
Business Friend ($100)
- Friend of the Coast decal to display your support
- Business name on the Federation’s website
- Discount on Federation events, programs and workshops
- Subscription to Coastal Review
- Annual promotion on social media
Business Friend ($200)
All benefits of $100 level, plus:
- Choice of Federation t-shirt, hat, or visor
- Annual promotion in the Federation’s e-newsletter
If you prefer to join by mail, download this form and send it to us: 3609 N.C. 24 Newport, NC 28570.
Community Partners Program
The Community Partners are a diverse mix of community-minded businesses and organizations committed to supporting the quality of life in coastal communities in which they and their customers live, work and play. These partners are dedicated to protecting the coast for current and future generations. This premier level of partnership offers a suite of far-reaching benefits designed to highlight these partners and their outstanding commitment to the coast.
Coastal Supporter ($1,000)
- One month promotion in’s Sponsor Spotlight
- Two tickets and recognition in promotional materials and at signature Federation events, including the Taste of the Coast in Morehead City or a regional event.
- Invitation to receptions for the coast’s most dedicated supporters
- Recognition in the Federation’s Annual Report
- Recognition on the Federation’s website
Coastal Advocate ($2,500)
All benefits of the Coastal Supporters plus:
- Two months total promotion in’s Sponsor Spotlight
- Name Recognition in the Our Coast publication
- Recognition on social media, the Federation’s website, and in the Federation’s enewsletter
- Four tickets and recognition in promotional materials and at signature Federation events, including the Taste of the Coast in Morehead City or a regional event.
Coastal Leader ($5,000)
All benefits of the Coastal Advocates plus:
- Three months total promotion in’s Sponsor Spotlight
- Name and logo in the Our Coast publication
- Six tickets and logo recognition in promotional materials and at signature Federation events, including the Taste of the Coast in Morehead City or a regional event.
Coastal Visionary ($10,000+)
All benefits of the Coastal Leaders plus:
- Four months total promotion in’s Sponsor Spotlight
- Feature on your business in the Our Coast publication (150 words, photo, logo)
- Eight tickets and logo recognition in promotional materials and at signature Federation events, including the Taste of the Coast in Morehead City or a regional event.
If you prefer to join by mail, download this form and send it to us: 3609 N.C. 24 Newport, NC 28570.
Sponsor an Event
You can also sponsor an individual event or program and enjoy great benefits at levels starting at $250.
For questions or special requests, please contact business engagement director Catherine Snead at 252-393-8185 or
Tax Information: Membership fees minus the value of benefits received are tax deductible. Fair market value of benefits are: $100 level: $5; $200 level: $12; $1,000 level: $77; $5,000 level: $227.
Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2000. The license is not an endorsement by the State.
We respect your privacy. The North Carolina Coastal Federation does not rent, loan or sell our members’ contact information. Donors may request to remain anonymous at any time.