To better document how habitat enhancement projects in North Carolina improve the coastal economy and environment, the Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuary Partnership contracted with RTI International to assess the benefits and costs of the three oyster programs under the NCDMF habitat enhancement programs.
Strategic Plan for Creating a Robust Coastal Economy with Coastal Restoration
The Coastal Federation is working with federal, state, and local leaders, economic developers, private businesses, and coastal residents to create and implement an economic development strategy for the coast that also protects and restores coastal resources. Investment in coastal restoration creates short-term and long-term jobs, boosts fisheries, and ensures a clean environment that benefits the tourism industry. This draft comprehensive strategic blueprint explains how programs and projects that protect coastal resources also strengthen economic growth along the coast.
This is an image of an area of rich inlet which would've been destroyed without proper coastal management strategies
North Carolina’s estuarine system consists of approximately 23 inlets, 12,000 miles of estuarine shoreline, and more than 3,000 square miles of brackish water estuaries. Some of these areas are rapidly developing and lack coastal management strategies. Those communities are experiencing the issues such as habitat degradation, water quality changes, erosion and land loss, aging infrastructure, and conflicts over access are a few examples. Local governments are considering solutions to protect infrastructure from flooding and coastal change. Developing and implementing solutions require careful examination of the science and the legal and policy obstacles that are in place. The study below adds to the coastal management strategies discussions already taking place at the state and local levels and in the homes and businesses of those living on the coast.
Coastal Restoration and Community Economic Development in North Carolina (2015 Study)
To better document how coastal restoration in North Carolina also affects community and economic development, the North Carolina Coastal Federation contracted with RTI International to assess the link between coastal restoration and economic development, perform an economic impact analysis of related projects, review how other states benefit from coastal restoration, and identify how coastal restoration fits within the state’s larger economic development strategies.
Saving Coastal Watersheds — North Brunswick Magazine (2014)Download
This image shows the NC Coastal Federation's living shoreline, an erosion control project, at Jockey's Ridge State Park. The image looks onto the oyster bag sill that makes up the living shoreline from behind a bed of marsh grass. Beyond the living shoreline the sound and sand dunes can be seen.
If your property is experiencing erosion, use this guide as a tool to learn about the choices you have in controlling your shoreline erosion and help you decide which approach is right for you situation.
Town of Columbia Low-Impact Development ManualDownload
Erosion Control: Non-Structural Alternatives
This publication is designed to help waterfront property owners evaluate their specific situation and select the remedy that can best protect property and benefit our environment.